Driver Sam does 7 important vehicle checks, which guest blogger shares, to keep car safety

Check your car to keep safety

Guest blogger shows 7 important car checks, which driver Sam does to keep car safety In her fourth guest post in Easy Hong Kong Private Tour, Eliza Brooks shares 7 important vehicle checks before driving off. For details, please read Eliza’s […]

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Frank’s answer to senior travelers’ FAQ

Senior-friendly easy Hong Kong private tour

Frank’s answer is YES for senior travelers’ FAQ about tour’s senior-friendliness  Frank the tour guide writes about the FAQ of senior travelers, is your Hong Kong tour senior friendly? Frank’s answer to this FAQ is “YES, our easy Hong Kong […]

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Frank’s answer to sons’ and daughters’ FAQ

Senior clients can have nice walk during easy Hong Kong private tour, but don't need to walk too much!

Frank’s answer is NO for sons’ and daughters’ FAQ about their parents’ tour Frank the tour guide writes about the FAQ of sons and daughters, will my parents need to walk a lot during Hong Kong tour? Frank’s answer to […]

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Frank’s answer to honeymooners’ FAQ

Honeymooners can visit Victoria Peak at their own easy Hong Kong private tour.

Answer to Honeymooners’ FAQ: Hong Kong private tour has no other tourists  Frank the tour guide writes about the FAQ of honeymooners, will other tourists join my Hong Kong tour? Frank’s answer to this FAQ is “NO, other people won’t […]

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Frank’s answer to parents’ FAQ

Families can do Hong Kong private tour and visit amusement parks in one day easily

Frank’s answer is yes for parents’ FAQ about Hong Kong travel plan Frank the tour guide writes about the FAQ of parents, can my family do Hong Kong sightseeing and amusement park in one day? Frank’s answer to this FAQ […]

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Frank’s answer to wives’ FAQ

Our big Toyota Alphard MPV can accommodate the tall men.

Frank’s answer is yes for wives’ FAQ about car size Frank the tour guide writes about the FAQ of wives, can your tour car accommodate my tall husband? Frank’s answer to this FAQ is “YES, our car can accommodate tall […]

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Frank’s answer to cruise passengers’ FAQ

Cruise passengers shouldn't stay at hotels near Kai Tak Cruise Terminal.

Frank’s answer is no for cruisers’ FAQ Frank the tour guide writes about the FAQ of cruise passengers, do I need to stay in hotel near the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal? Frank’s answer to this FAQ is “NO”! To read […]

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Frank hopes everyone has a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in 2021

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 2021

Frank says happy 2021 Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone Frank the tour guide hopes travelers have a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in his new blog post. Frank also shares a video to show the tradition of the interesting festival. For details, please […]

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Frank reminds travelers: four mistakes when planning Hong Kong trips

Travelers often make four mistakes when planning Hong Kong trip

Frank shows four mistakes of travelers planning Hong Kong trips Frank the tour guide writes about the four common mistakes of travelers planning their Hong Kong trips. They are about transportation, sightseeing tour type, places of interest and Hong Kong’s […]

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Frank cares about US lawyer Samuel Bickett’s case

US lawyer's case is not related to the National Security Law for Hong Kong SAR

Frank follows the development of Samuel Bickett’s case Frank the tour guide writes about the US lawyer Samuel Bickett’s case in Hong Kong in his new post. Frank focuses on the nature of the case. Frank shows expats, who care […]

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