Frank’s answer is NO for sons’ and daughters’ FAQ about their parents’ tour Frank the tour guide writes about the FAQ of sons and daughters, will my parents need to walk a lot during Hong Kong tour? Frank’s answer to […]
Frank’s answer is yes for parents’ FAQ about Hong Kong travel plan Frank the tour guide writes about the FAQ of parents, can my family do Hong Kong sightseeing and amusement park in one day? Frank’s answer to this FAQ […]
Frank reminds sons and daughters don’t choose suburban hotels for parents Frank the tour guide writes about the common mistake of sons and daughters, booking hotels in the suburban New Territories for their parents’ Hong Kong trips. For details, please browse Frank’s […]
Frank shows grown-up children Nan Lian Garden is the best attraction for their parents Frank the tour guide shows why Nan Lian Garden is the best sightseeing point for the grown-up children’s parents. For the reasons, please browse Frank’s new post. […]
Frank shows benefits of easy Hong Kong private tour to grown up children Fully vaccinated Frank the tour guide recommends his Hong Kong private tour to grown up children. They can book the easy and safe private tour service for […]
Frank takes selfie with parents during lunchtime Frank the tour guide and parents enjoy E-Fu noodle with lobster at local restaurant. For the details of the happy lunch, please browse Frank’s post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour Blog!