Frank had celebration plus food tasting, new Kowloon tour planning and continuous blog writing in August 2020
Frank the tour guide reported what he did in August 2020 in his post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog.

Frank celebrated his 10-year anniversary by a big meal and taste the food to check whether the restaurant can be a meal spot for the private car tour or not.
Frank visited Shanghai Street 618, a restored old building, to try to add it as a new sightseeing point for the Kowloon private car tour.
Of course he continued to write the blog to share travel tips, promote his private car tour and look forward to 2021.
Please brows the full work report of Frank
You can read Frank’s full work report to see what Frank did in August 2020.

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Frank had celebration plus food tasting, new Kowloon tour planning and continuous blog writing in August 2020
Frank the tour guide
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Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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