Frank shares his social media posts on 21 – 26 Feb 2021
Frank the tour guide shows his Facebook posts on 21 – 26 Feb 2021 in his new post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog.

Frank first shares ex-client Mr. Tahir’s post, which celebrates International Tourist Guide Day and shows his gratitude to Frank and his other guides again.
Frank’s posts shows Frank tastes the popular local drink milk tea and dessert for celebrating Lantern Festival sweet rice ball.
Frank also shows Hong Kong skyline from the special low angle in his photo.
Frank thinks vaccine can end the virus-led “NO SEASON” and bring the new “HIGH SEASON” to tourism.
For details, please read Frank’s post.
Frank is eager to share more about his local life to clients
Made in Hong Kong Frank the tour guide wants to share more about his local life with clients.
Frank hopes he can serve clients again soon in his Hong Kong private tour.