Frank writes about the inauguration of Plover Cove Reservoir on 20 January 1969
In his new post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog, Frank the tour guide writes about the Plover Cove Reservoir inauguration on 20 January 1969.

It is the first reservoir built in the the sea and the second largest reservoir in Hong Kong.
Its origin was related to an official’s strange idea during his boat trip.
For details, please browse Frank’s post.
Frank’s New Territories private tour shows clients two reservoirs
Frank the tour guide’s New Territories private car tour can show clients two reservoirs.
Besides the stunning Plover Cove Reservoir, Frank’s tour brings clients to the declared monument and the so-called “monkey kingdom”, Kowloon Reservoir.

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Frank writes about the inauguration of Plover Cove Reservoir on 20 January 1969
Frank the tour guide
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Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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