Photo and screenshot for view of Victoria Peak

Frank shares the screenshots with view at Victoria Peak in the mid-1990s

In his new post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog, Frank the tour guide shares the screenshots of a soap opera with the view of Victoria Peak in the mid-1990s.

Photo and screenshot for view of Victoria Peak
Photo shows today’s view at Victoria Peak and screenshot shows the view of Victoria Peak in the mid-1990s.


One screenshot shows the skyscrapers at that moment, Bank of China Tower and Central Plaza.

Another screenshot shows Hong Kong was preparing to build and more taller buildings through reclamation works.

The screenshots also show the condition of the malls at the Peak, Peak Tower and Peak Galleria, in the 1990s.

For the details, please read Frank’s post.

Frank can show the view at Victoria Peak to clients in his Hong Kong Island private car tour

Apart from blogging, Frank is eager to show clients the good view at Victoria Peak during his Hong Kong Island private car tour.

Frank hopes he can serve you in 2021!

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Share Frank's post about the view at Victoria Peak in the mid-1990s
Frank shares the screenshots with view at Victoria Peak in the mid-1990s
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Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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