Macau's European elements

Frank writes about Macau’s Londoner Resort and other European elements

Frank the tour guide introduces Macau’s new Londoner resort and other European elements in his new post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog.

Macau's European elements
Macau’s European elements


The Londoner Resort will bring the replica of Big Ben and façade of Westminster to Macau.

The Londoner just adds one more European elements to the Little Europe, Macau.

For details, please browse Frank’s post.

Frank has three private tours to show you the colorful Macau

Frank the tour guide has three different private Macau tours to show clients its European and Chinese elements.

Frank’s tours can even help clients to visit two cities, Hong Kong and Macau, in one day easily.

Please browse the details of Macau private tour at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour website.


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Frank writes about Macau's Londoner Resort & other European elements
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Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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