Frank the tour guide chooses an idiom and a proverb to describe Hong Kong transitional housing project
In his new post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog, Frank the tour guide uses one Chinese idiom and one local Hong Kong old saying to describe a transitional housing project for the poor households.

Idiom, “Using one glass of water to try to put out the fire of a load of wood” (杯水車薪 pronounces as “bui sui ce sun”), can describe the limited supplies of the transitional housing cannot solve the serious housing shortage problem.
Local proverb, “better than winning the Mark Six Lottery” (好過中六合彩 pronounces as “ho gor chung look hop choi), can describe the feeling of the 89 successful applicants for this transitional housing project.
Apart from the blog post, Frank is going to share Chinese culture, local sub-culture and Hong Kong current affairs during his private car tour service with clients.
For details, please browse Frank’s post
You may read Frank’s post to get the details for the Hong Kong’s housing problem, Chinese idiom and local old saying.