BNO passport

Frank’s win win win situation view point about 3 million BNO passport holders’ migration

In his post, Frank shares his analysis about the win win win situation for England, China and Hong Kong SAR if 3 million BNO passport holders can migrate to England.

BNO passport
BNO passport


With winners, there will be losers.

Frank thinks the losers should be the BNO passport holders who migrate and British Government itself.

Frank has an expired BNO passport, but he will stay in Hong Kong and try the best to share his view points about his city Hong Kong SAR and motherland, China, during the private car tour.

Read the post for details

You may read Frank’s post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog to get the details of Frank’s analysis.

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Frank’s win win win situation view point about 3 million BNO passport holders’ migration
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Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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