Frank writes about “Hong Kong Past and Present Series: Victoria Harbor” stamps
In his new post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog, Frank introduces the “Hong Kong Past and Present Series: Victoria Harbor” stamps of Hong Kong Post.

The special stamps show Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbor in 1962 and 2020.
Frank elaborates on the changes of Victoria Harbor in his blog post in the last 55 years.
For the details, please browse Frank’s post.
Frank shows clients the pretty Victoria Harbor at Victoria Peak in his private tour
Besides tour it yourselves (TIY), travelers can be Frank the tour guide’s clients in his Hong Kong Island private tour to see the beautiful Victoria Harbor view at the lookout point at Victoria Peak.
Frank hopes he can serve you in 2021!

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Frank writes about “Hong Kong Past and Present Series: Victoria Harbor” stamps
Frank the tour guide
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Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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