Frank’s new video for the life of cows at Ngong Ping during Covid-19 pandemic
Frank the tour guide uploads his new video at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog to show the life wof cows at Ngong Ping during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Frank thinks that the cows have a healthier life because no one feeds them the junk food.
Frank suggests people should learn from the calm cows to concentrate on daily life during the pandemic.
Frank the tour guide hopes he can serve clients in his Lantau private tour soon to show clients the happy cows, Big Buddha and nice Ngong Ping 360 Cable Car.

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Share Frank's video about the life of cows at Ngong Ping during pandemic
Frank's new video for the life of cows at Ngong Ping during Covid-19 pandemic
Frank the tour guide
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Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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