Frank shares former Kai Tak Airport Runway opened on 12 September 1958
In his new post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog, Frank the tour guide shares the history of Kai Tak Airport.

Frank shows that its lengthened 13/31 runway opened on 12 September 1958 after the expansion project.
The experienced and brave pilots used the runway up till 1998.
Frank retrospects the history of the interesting and scaring runway.
Frank hopes he can serve more cruisers at today’s Kai Tak Cruise Terminal during his Hong Kong private shore excursion.
For details, please browse Frank’s post
You may read Frank’s retrospection about Kai Tak Airport runway to get the details.

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Share Frank's retrospection about opening of Kai Tak Airport runway on 12 September 1958
Frank shares former Kai Tak Airport Runway opened on 12 September 1958
Frank the tour guide
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Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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