screen shot for Easy Hong Kong Private Tour website on Google

Easy Hong Kong Private Tour new website on Google My Business is added by Frank the tour guide

Frank the tour guide launches a new website for his Easy Hong Kong Private Tour on Google My Business.

Please browse the new website here.

screen shot for Easy Hong Kong Private Tour website on Google
Screen shot for Easy Hong Kong Private Tour website on Google

It is easy to build and easy to use.

For its functions and and usage, please browse Frank’s another blog post.

New website’s shortfall: cannot show testimonials 

There is one shortfall for the new website on Google My Business: it cannot show clients’ testimonials and reviews.

To browse clients’ good reviews and testimonials for Frank’s private car tour service, please stay here.

We have grouped them in this review site for Frank.




Frank adds a new website for Easy Hong Kong Private Tour on Google My Business
Article Name
Frank adds a new website for Easy Hong Kong Private Tour on Google My Business
Frank the tour guide launches a new website for his Easy Hong Kong Private Tour on Google My Business.
Publisher Name
Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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