Frank introduces 2020 Christmas stamps of Hong Kong Post
Frank the tour guide introduces Hong Kong Post’s 2020 Christmas stamps in his new post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog.

The main theme of the stamps is Santa Claus has come to Hong Kong for present delivery and tour.
The stamps show the activities of Santa Claus and his friends in Hong Kong, eating dim sum, taking double decker tram, visiting park and playing Tai Chi.
For details, please browse Frank’s post.
Frank hopes travelers can come in 2021 to do what Santa Claus does in Hong Kong
Frank the tour guide hopes the vaccines can end the year-long pandemic.
Thus travelers can come to Hong Kong again to do what Santa Claus does in 2021.
Frank waits for travelers to give them Hong Kong private car tour.

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Frank introduces 2020 Christmas stamps of Hong Kong Post
Frank the tour guide
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Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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