Frank shares the news about Hong Kong Palace Museum in his post
Frank the tour guide writes about the first branch of Beijing Palace Museum in Hong Kong in his post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog.

Its construction has already finished.
After the renovation, travelers can visit the museum in 2022.
As the museum locates at the West Kowloon waterfront, apart from Chinese national treasures, visitors can see the amazing Victoria Harbor view at the modern museum building.

For the details about the new Palace Museum Hong Kong branch, please browse Frank’s post.
Now travelers can see Chinese cultural attraction in Hong Kong in Frank’s Kowloon private tour
Travelers can book Frank the tour guide’s Kowloon private tour to see the Chinese culture in Hong Kong.
Frank’s Kowloon private tour can show clients the pretty Nan Lian Garden, which has Chinese traditional architectural, gardening and landscaping culture.