Frank shares Hong Kong’s Chinese restaurants allowed cage birds in the past

Frank the tour guide’s new post is about what pet was allowed in Hong Kong’s Chinese restaurants in the past.

Frank’s answer is cage bird.

old man holding bird cage with little bird different bird cages as the backdrop
As bird shops could get a lot of business opportunities from the restaurant customers with their cage birds, they opened the shops next to the restaurants and finally built the Bird Market!


Frank further shares the history about bird owners’ competition for birds’ voice in the restaurant by an old TV commercial on YouTube.

Frank the tour guide wants to share more Hong Kong history and his own story with clients during his private car tour service.

For details, please browse Frank’s post

You may read Frank the tour guide’s original post at Easy Hong Kong Private Tour blog for the details.

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Frank shares Hong Kong's Chinese restaurants allowed cage birds in the past
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Easy Hong Kong Private Tour
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